sabato 28 marzo 2009

La tomba del cane * The dog's grave

Questa è la cosidetta "tomba del cane" o arca Bonomini, in quanto il benefattore della città, Angelo Bonomini, lasciò i suoi beni all'ospedale civile (1837) con il desiderio di essere seppellito in questo monumento con vista panoramica della città ( ultimato nel 1860).
Secondo tradizione finì per ospitare solo le spoglie di un cane.
Sono cresciuta credendo ad un' altra storia, più romantica: il padrone l'aveva fatta costruire espressamente per il suo cane, a cui era molto affezionato. Quindi ho passato la mia infanzia guardando alla tomba dal basso della città( la tomba è chiaramente visibile in alcune zone del centro città) e pensando alla poesia del monumento...poi sono cresciuta ma per me rimane un simbolo.
This is what is known as "the dog's grave" or arca Bonomini, as the town's benefactor, Angelo Bonomini, left all his possessions to the town's main hospital (1837) with a last desire: to be buried under this monument (ended in 1860), with an overview on the town.
According to the town's traditions it was used to house a dog remains.
I grew up believing in another story,much more romantic: the man wanted the monument for his beloved dog. So I spent part of my childhood looking up at the grave from the town (the grave is celarly visibile from some areas in the centre) and thinking at the poetry of it all...then I grew up but to me it's still a symbol.

4 commenti:

Lowell ha detto...

It's quite impressive. The man must have had a great deal of affection for the town. Interesting, though, he is dead so he's not looking down on anything; instead it's the townspeople who look up at where his remains remain.

VP ha detto...

I really prefer your version, true or not. Mr Bonomini was surely a peculiar guy, and a very good one.

Hilda ha detto...

That tomb has a gorgeous view!

If one has a beloved pet, I can understand wanting a monument for him/her.

Jeff ha detto...

I'm with Vogon Poet. Your story is better.

LOL. I loved it. Sends tingling sensation on my neck.

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