domenica 22 marzo 2009

Arnaldo da Brescia

Questa è la statua di Arnaldo da Brescia, nell'omonima P.zza Arnaldo. Era un riformatore religioso, da molti poi considerato un eroe anticlericale.Durante la mia infanzia l'ho sempre visto come una specie di guardiano della P.zza, che dava il benvenuto ai visitatori - avanti, un cartellone con la scritta BENVENUTI ci sta ! :)
This is the staute of Arnaldo da Brescia, in the square of the same name. He was a religious reformer, from then on considered by many as an anti-clerical hero. During my childhood I always looked at him as a sort of guardian of the square, who was about to welcome foreigners - come on, a sign with WELCOME written on it would be just perfect! :)

6 commenti:

Saretta ha detto...

A welcome with open arms!

Lowell ha detto...

The statue is huge! What a great, warm, beautifully-lighted photo!

VP ha detto...

There is a summer flavor in the light of this photo and the monument is imposing.
I confess that I had to check the poor Arnaldo, due to my ignorance or vaning memory, and this is a another good thing about these posts: they spark interest.

Kim ha detto...

Sounds good to me! And speaking of welcome, I'd like to add my welcome to the City Daily Photo gang of friends and wish you lot of happy exploring with your camera.
Seattle Daily Photo

Hilda ha detto...

And with wide open arms too! :)

Welcome to CDP! Happy photoblogging!

Me ha detto...

Ty all for the warm welcome!Much appreciated :)

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