mercoledì 25 marzo 2009

Il Duomo vecchio * the old cathedral

Un veloce scatto al Duomo vecchio, in P.zza Paolo VI, accanto al Duomo nuovo.
A quick shot to the Old cathedral, in Paolo VI Square, next to the New cathedral.

4 commenti:

Jane Hards Photography ha detto...

That is beautiful

VP ha detto...

I am impressed with my ignorance of Brescia: such a beautiful and ancient building, so peculiar in shape and I knew nothing of it...
(I've just read some entries here and there before commenting)

Me ha detto...

Vogon Poet: you're right, Brescia is usually linked to the industrial and arms industry but many don't know that it also sports a lovely hsitoric centre and wonderful surroundings.Thanks or following :)

crocrodyl ha detto...

I like it! Great capture!

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