martedì 17 marzo 2009

Il Capitolium

Il Capitolium è un tempio che, insieme agli altri resti di epoca romana, fa da sfondo a Piazza del Foro, nel centro storico della città.
The Capitolium is a temple that, together with other Roman remains, sets the background for Piazza del Foro, in the historic centre of the town.

4 commenti:

Jilly ha detto...

Welcome to the City Daily Photo community. Good to welcome another beautiful Italian city.

B SQUARED ha detto...

Welcome aboard. You are going to have a lot of fun.

Kim ha detto...

Wow, that's been sitting under that deep blue sky for millennia. This is a stunning shot. For someone from North America, this is exciting. Our ruins, if one could even call them that, are only one or two hundred years old. Really beautiful!
Seattle Daily Photo

Me ha detto...

Kim: lol, Italy is so full of Roman ruins that u could excavate virtually anywhere and find something straight away.But you guys have some other exciting features out there and wonderful wonderful landscapes (i loved my trip to California!)

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