sabato 4 aprile 2009

Piazza del Foro

Piazza del Foro (96 d.C.), vicino al tempio Capitolino (vedi post precedente), era la sede principale degli scambi commerciali tra i Romani, una specie di piazza del mercato moderna. Come si nota dalla fotogrfia, il livello delle strade era molto più basso del livello attuale.
Piazza del Foro (96 d.C.), next to the Capitolium (see post below), was the main place for commercial exchanges between Romans, a sort of modern marker square. As you can see from the picture the level of the streets at that time was way below the actual one.

3 commenti:

Jilly ha detto...

How fabulous. Such history and a lovely photograph.

VP ha detto...

Various degree of ancient: in AD 96 around here there were only marshes and a few fishermen.
Very interesting set of photos of a well preserved site.

Lowell ha detto...

A photo like that, knowing what it's all about, gives me tingles. I should have been an archaeologist, I suppose.


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