giovedì 9 aprile 2009

Piazza della Loggia

Piazza della Loggia: in questa fotografia il palazzo della Loggia, inziato nel 1492, oggi sede del Comune.
Piazza della Loggia: in this picture you can see the Palace of the Loggia, begun in 1492, today is the house of the municipality.

6 commenti:

VP ha detto...

This is probably one of the few place in Brescia that I knew, as most Italians, from the events of 1974.
The square is beautiful, the building is elegant and in mint condition, the weather seems gorgeous.

crocrodyl ha detto...

It looks great! I like especially the unique roof:)

Hilda ha detto...

Very interesting architecture. Do you know if there's something underneath that dome-like roof?

Me ha detto...

@Vogon: yes, unfortunately this beautiful square brings back the terrible events of 1974 (I wasn't even born!). I will talk about that as soon as I can achieve a decent perpective of the square as a whole.

Me ha detto...

@Hilda: now that's an interesting question! Tbh I don't know, but I doubt it. I will ask around and let you know :)

Lowell ha detto... was begun the year of Columbus' first journey!

'Tis an interesting building; would love to see the inside.

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